Our insurance solutions.
We’ve got the insurance you need.
We give you a personalized experience you just can’t find with other insurance companies. With Harmony Mortgage , you’ll have a dedicated Insurance Specialist to guide you through the entire journey.
Here are just a few benefits of going direct with us.

Industry-trained specialists: Our Insurance Specialists take the time to understand your situation now, and in the future. As time goes on, your Insurance Specialist will work with you to make sure your insurance coverage keeps up the changes.
Direct access to expert underwriters: In some agencies, the sale comes first and the policy comes second. Our expert underwriters work side-by-side with our Insurance Specialists to make sure they understand the details and risks of your situation before they create your coverage program. That way, you’re properly protected.
A single solution and a streamlined claims process: Sometimes, depending on the complexities, insurance companies will divvy up your coverage amongst a few different providers to ensure all your needs are met. If you ever suffer a claim, this can get messy due to multiple deductibles and different procedures, both of which result in longer timelines. We keep everything under one roof. Your dedicated Insurance Specialist will ensure you receive a customized program that meets all of your needs with one company.
The personal touch: Big companies often mean call centres, multiple points of contact, and various forms of communication. With us, you have one dedicated specialist to guide you through all of your insurance needs. We’ll call, email, or drop by in person depending on what you prefer.
We’re more than just insurance coverage: We’re not just your insurance provider; we’re your trusted advisors and partners.
Start your application today
Phone: (778) 968-3059
Email: terrence.brown@sunlife.com
Find out more about our insurance products by calling us at (604) 705-2999 or get your free estimate now.